Reasons Why You Should Check Your Fire Apparatus Equipment Regularly

If you are a public safety officer who operates a fire apparatus, you know that solely performing scheduled maintenance on a fire apparatus is not enough. Regular inspections of your apparatus are also necessary to guarantee the safety of you and those working with you. Without routine inspections, you risk not having the functional fire apparatus equipment required to effectively respond to an emergency. Because we take fire apparatus maintenance seriously, here are some of the reasons why regularly checking your fire apparatus equipment is crucial.

Inspecting Fire Apparatus Equipment

During an inspection, you’ll need to check both personal and operational equipment in your fire apparatus. Some of these items will be found in your fire command posts, where much of your important gear is organized. Personal equipment is any item that can be found on a firefighter, such as survival and turnout gear. Meanwhile, operational equipment is gear that helps firefighters do their job. Operational fire apparatus equipment like saws and ladders are regularly used to help address fires and therefore require regular inspection to keep your fire apparatus operating at peak efficiency.  

Inspecting Your Fire Apparatus 

Along with your fire apparatus equipment, your daily inspection should also include the apparatus itself. While the inspection of your fire apparatus doesn’t have to be incredibly extensive, it’s still a necessary practice to spot any errors and to see if it’s operating optimally. Check to see if your apparatus’ paint or windows are damaged. Any dent or scratch to an apparatus or a crack to its window can lead to more severe issues and detract from its performance. Other areas like the tires, sirens, and lights must also be checked during this inspection. Ultimately, the inspection of your fire apparatus is dependent on your circumstances and situation. You know more about your apparatus better than anyone else, which means that you’ll know which areas require the most attention.

Why Are Daily Inspections Needed?

Public safety professionals are required to be ready at a moment’s notice for an emergency, which is why daily inspections of your fire apparatus equipment are pivotal. Being prepared can help you more effectively respond to a situation and keep civilians safe from harm. Any equipment or apparatus failure can put the lives of firefighters and civilians in danger. Checking both equipment and fire apparatus regularly will prevent accidents from occurring and promote greater safety. 

For 30 years, Troy Products has served as a trustworthy source for world-class public safety vehicle accessories across the nation. We specially design our custom fire apparatus accessories to be suitable for any of the top vehicle models used. You can count on us because of the extensive experience that allows us to create products that are safe, effective, and comfortable for your firefighters. We are also able to accommodate custom orders to meet your department’s unique operational needs. To find out more about Troy Products or to get started with an order, give us a call at (800) 700-8769 or fill out our online contact form today.